treatibles トリーティブルズ



  • 10歳になる私の愛犬はTreatiblesのおかげで著しい改善を見せました。
    【原文】 My 10-year old got significantly better with Treatibles. She was diagnosed with irregular bone cells, now she’s been on 4-6 doses/day since her amputation. She’s still energized and well enough to gallop to the park on three legs! Her chemo treatments are much easier. I cannot recommend these chews enough.
    They’ve given Chuck a new lease on life.
    Thank you!
  • Fredの毎日はtreatiblesチューと共に始まります。私のパートナー、アンドリューの職場に付いて行き、裏部屋で遊んで過ごすのが日課です。しかし、今朝はチューを切らしてしまっていました。すると、午後2時半頃、フレッドが鳴くのをやめないから迎えに来てくれとアンドリューから連絡が来ました。フレッドは浅速呼吸をしており、目を真っ赤にし、耐えがたいほどのストレスを感じているようでした。
    【原文】 Fred starts everyday with a Treatibles chew. He’s goes to work with my boyfriend, Andrew, and hangs out in the backroom. Today, we had run out of chews. I got a message around 2:30pm that he wouldn’t stop whining and barking. Andrew asked
    if I could pick him up. Fred was panting, his eyes were red and was really stressed.

    First thing, I gave him 2 chews and in 20 mins. he was the calm, friendly dog we know. I give all the credit to Treatibles. I’m so happy to share such a great product with others. Cheers and thanks! – Dianne
  • クロエは一日3度のTreatiblesをとても楽しみにしています。チューの摂取を始めてから、食欲促進剤の薬が必要なくなりました。昨日は4か月ぶりに朝食を食べました。わずか短期間の投与で、クロエの全体的な暮らしの中に変化が窺えます。
    【原文】 Chloe absolutely loves having her Treatibles 3 times a day. She’s now off her medication to stimulate appetite since she started the chews. Yesterday she ate breakfast for the first time in 4 months.
    We noticed such a difference in a very short time in Chloe’s overall demeanor.

    We are thrilled that Chloe is doing so well and grateful to have such a wonderful product at our disposal.
    I feel certain that Chloe will be enjoying Treatibles for the remainder of her days. We really appreciate you!
  • 私は愛犬の腰部不具合のためにTreatiblesチューを購入しました。
    – Nancy G.
    【原文】 I got Treatibles chews for my dog’s hip discomfort. The first day,
    I gave her 2 since she’s very fussy. She enjoyed them and her demeanor was much better. A few days later, her hip was hurting and she couldn’t jump on the bed. I gave her 4 chews and after a half hour, she was up and at it.

    Sadie stresses out on July 4th fireworks, pacing and panting, even after the noise stops. So I gave her 4 chews and within the hour, she was sound asleep. What a relief for all of us!

    Thank you so much for a wonderful product that has provided my pooch with a solution to years of discomfort and stress. Thank you for increasing our quality of life, especially my dog’s. – Nancy G.
  • エリーは、過剰な警戒心を持ち、心が休まらず常に動きまわっていて、軽い反応症と衝動制御障害と診断されました。ストレスを感じると周りに対して攻撃的になる事もありました。治療法は、抗うつ剤の投与に併せ、エリーの行動修正とストレス誘発原因を管理することでした。
    – Becky H.
    【原文】 Diagnosed with mild reactivity and lack of impulse control, Ellie was always a busy girl, overly aware and alert. At stressful times, she can snap at others. Her treatment consists of behavior modification and trigger management, as well as Prozac.

    A vet tech friend brought PCR to my attention. She’s seen success with dogs at work. After a bit of research, I placed an order with Treatibles. Ellie gets 2 small chews in the morning and 2 at night. The change was nothing short of miraculous. Of everything we have tried, these chews have the most pronounced and immediate effect. She is much more relaxed, so much happier and less reactive. It was the best purchase I have made in a long time. I hope this info can help someone else! – Becky H.
  • 12歳になるゴールデンレトリバーにTratiblesを与えています。
    – Nicki A.
    【原文】 I have been giving Treatibles to my 12 yr. old golden retriever.

    Two years ago, she was diagnosed with severe elbow issues in her front leg and hip issues in both back.
    Before using Treatibles, she was on 2 meds which made her drowsy, yet managed the pain. A friend suggested the chews, so we tried them. A month after starting Treatibles, we slowly took her off the meds and she is doing fabulous! Treatibles won't make her drowsy, they control the discomfort and she is back to playing fetch. Your yummy chews have allowed me to keep my girl around and I'm forever thankful for the extra time I have with her! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. – Nicki A.
  • 緊急のオーダーに速達便で対応してくださり、心から感謝いたします。私の飼っているシュナウツァーが重度の不快感に苦しんでいて、一刻も早く必要でした。愛犬の特殊な病状のため、不快感を取り除く方法が限られており、貴社のチューのおかげでとても助かっています。
    – Michelle S.
    【原文】 Thank you from the bottom of my heart for a special rush delivery order. I needed it fast because my Schnauzer boy was in severe discomfort. Due to his medical condition, we are very limited with how we manage his discomfort and I found your chews to be very helpful.

    My order arrived today so I could continue to give your amazing chews to my baby without any interruption. I really appreciate your kindness and amazing help.

    Thank you so much for being such caring company! – Michelle S.
  • ファルカーはTreatiblesをとても気に入っていて、分離不安症精神不安の緩和に役立っています。
    – Chelsea
    【原文】 Falkor loves Treatibles, and they are helping his separation and general anxiety! He lives with digestive distress, normally goes twice a day with occasional accidents in the house. Thanks to Treatibles, his bowels are less aggravated and he can go easier with less cramping!!

    And the anxiety! Since starting the chews, he rarely bites the fur on his arms and chest. I am so grateful for you, your customer service, and your products! Hugs and doggy kisses.
    – Chelsea
  • 絶対的に素晴らしい製品です!私は14歳のハスキーとシェルティーの混血犬を飼っていますが、この製品には処方薬とレーザー療法を超える効果がありました。
    – Denise
    【原文】 Absolutely wonderful! This did more for my 14 yr. old husky/sheltie mix than medicine and laser treatment combined. He showed a dramatic difference the next morning, showing no signs of discomfort or stiffness. He has even been jumping on the couch again, which he hasn't done in years. I have been able to half his medicine which has rough side effects in long term use. I am so glad I tried Treatibles and I will definitely be buying more for him. – Denise
  • 私の愛犬グッチは8歳、重さ50ポンドのピットブルで、この数年間、酷い関節の不快感に悩まされていました。グッチは5歳のときに関節の不具合の兆候を示し始めました。左後足に強い不快感があるようで、ボールを追いかける間など、左後足をかばうように上げたまま走っていたものです。私達は、カプロフェン投与による副作用がまだ若いグッチの肝臓を壊してしまう事が耐えられず、症状が酷い場合にトラマドールを与えるのみでした。そして、素晴らしい事が起きました。ビラロボス犬救助センターのマライアが、自分の飼い犬のために購入したTreatiblesがすばらしい結果を生んだというニュースを聞いたのです。私達はTreatiblesのTater’s Sweet Potato Totsを購入しました。グッチにとってこのような素晴らしいサポート製品に出会え、とても感謝しています。わずか数週間の投与でグッチは再び4本足で走り回れるようになりました。感無量です。不快感が緩和したおかげで食欲も増し、以前より元気になりました。今回、大サイズのターキーバッグを2袋注文しており、今後もこの製品を継続的に購入するつもりです。これはグッチにとって天の賜物です。ボールを追いかけて走りまわるのがグッチの日課ですが、今では不快感無しに走れるようになりました!Treatibles、ありがとうございます。私達はグッチの他に5匹の犬を飼っていますが、もしこの犬達にグッチのような症状が現れ始めたとしても、この製品が市販されているので安心です。
    – Kat A.
    【原文】 My Gucci is an 8-year- old, 50ish lb. Pit Bull who has been suffered from severe joint discomfort for a few years. She started showing signs of joint issues at the age of 5. Her left rear leg caused so much discomfort she kept it tucked under her while running obsessively for her ball. We hated the thought of wrecking her liver early by putting her on Carprofen and only gave her Tramadol when the discomfort was severe. Then something wonderful happened. We found out Mariah from Villalobos Rescue Center bought Treatibles for her dog and received wonderful results. So we bought the Tater’s Sweet Potato Tots by Treatibless. We are so happy we found this incredible aid for our Gucci. She is running on all four legs again after just a few weeks and we are thrilled. Being in less discomfort, her appetite is up and she has a lot more energy. We ordered two large Turkey bags and will continue to order this product. It is a godsend for Gucci as she absolutely HAS to run for the ball daily and now she is able to do just that ! Thank you, Treatibles. We have five other dogs and if they ever need this product, I am thrilled to know it’s on the market.
    – Kat A.
  • ケイティーのために購入した初めてのTreatiblesが届きました。ありがとうございます。ケイティーはとても気に入ったようです。愛犬の食欲と気力に改善が見られ、以前よりも元気になっていることが分かります。


    – Tim H.
    【原文】 Thank you for sending Katie her first bag of Treatibles. She loves them. I see great improvement in her appetite and spunk, which lets me know she is feeling better.

    Katie had a mass on her nipple and it had to be operated on. We got the results back that she had a terminal illness. Three weeks ago she started chemo. After the first round, Katie started to lose her appetite.

    I ordered a bag of chews and gave her 2, which she loved. Within an hour she seemed to have a bit more energy. It has been about a week and we have finished our first bag. I cannot thank you enough!” – Tim H.
  • Treatiblesのチューは友人からの贈り物でした。彼女は、貴社のチューを最高のCBD製品だと大絶賛しています。
    – Alex P.
    【原文】 I was given Treatibles by a friend who swears they are the best PCR chews. At the time, I was nervous about giving them to my dog. However, when we had a massive thunderstorm, I gave him 2 chews and within 30 mins. he went from shaking in the bathtub to relaxing on the couch.

    Since then, I give him Treatibles when I know a storm is coming, July 4th fireworks, when I expecting company or when something spooks him. Treatibles have made his and my life a lot easier. Thank you! You have a customer for life. – Alex P.
  • 4歳になる私の愛犬は、この2年間、癲癇発作に苦しんでいます。前兆のない突然発作が週に一度は発症していました。約15分間の発作が続いた後、愛犬は怖がって私のベッドの下に潜り込み、2時間ほど眠るのでした。
    – Madeline A.
    【原文】 My 4 yr. old had been suffering from seizures for 2 years. She was having at least one a week and they were completely unpredictable. They lasted for about 15 mins. Afterwards, she was so scared that she slept under my bed for 2 hours.

    My brother-in-law mentioned PCR oil so I did a little research and I decided to try Treatibles. She now eats a chew every day and I’m happy to report she’s been seizure free! I can’t thank you enough. – Madeline A.
  • 生後6か月の時、テディーは来客に対して攻撃的な態度を見せるようになりました。公の場では人懐っこいのですが、それでもやはり縄張り行動は見られました。かかりつけの獣医師よる抗不安症の処方薬を投与しましたが、効果はありませんでした。テディーの吠え癖や唸り声は止まりませんでした。
    – Julie S
    【原文】 At 6 mos. old, Teddy started showing aggression towards strangers in our home. He was friendly in public but still very territorial. Our vet prescribed an anti-anxiety drug, which didn’t help. His barking and growling continued.

    After reading about Treatibles, I decided to give the chews a try. He’s been getting 2 chews twice a day. Tonight, our neighbors, who know of his anxiety, stopped by. He greeted them wagging his tail; laid down, relaxed, and let their toddler give him a squeeze. This is an incredible change! We are so thankful and cannot say enough positive things!
    – Julie S.
  • 友人によって貴社の製品を勧められました(犬用製品)。たった1粒のチューが私のボクサーミックスに与えた変化に驚かざるを得ません!私たちは、強い不安感に苦しむ愛犬に今年の3月から処方薬を与えていました。処方薬の投与を続けた結果、不安感の軽減は見られないようでしたが、わずか1粒のTreatiblesのチューが目に見える大きな変化を起こしました。愛犬はやっと恐れることなく私たちのアパートを再び歩き回れるようになり、スナック骨を噛み、おもちゃで遊んでいます。ありがとう、ありがとう、ありがとうございます!
    – Michelle B.
    【原文】 A friend of mine recommended your products to me (canine products). I am absolutely AMAZED at the positive change I have noted in my boxer mix after just one chew! We have had our pooch on a prescribed med since March of this year due to severe anxiety, and while it has not seemed to make much of a difference in her anxiety, just one Treatibles chew has made a VERY visible difference. She is finally walking through our condo again without fear, chewing on her bones, and even playing with some toys once again. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    – Michelle B.
  • 私は、どのように感じ、どう考えたら良いのかまだ少し困惑していますが、Treatiblesジェルキャップとチューが届いた日にキャリバへの投与を開始しました。キャリバはチューが気に入ったようで、約4時間毎に与えると食べてくれました。翌日、私達はキャリバのいつもの浅速呼吸や不安感が消えていることに気付きました。キャリバはぐっすりと寝ており、以前より落ち着いた気分でいるように見えました。餌や水の摂取も正常でした。私は過去にカンナビノイドを使った経験がないため、少し戸惑っていました。
    –Danielle L、オレゴン
    【原文】 I am not sure how to feel or what to think but the day we received the Treatibles gel caps and chews we started Caliber on them. Every 4 or so hours he would take them and he loves the chews. The next day we noticed his constant panting and anxiety had disappeared. He was sleeping soundly and seemed to be in a much better mood overall and he was eating and drinking like norma, too. I wasn’t sure how to feel or what to think about this, having no previous experience with phytocannabinoids.
    Caliber’s tumor has completely stopped growing. We took him off his steroids the night before the gel caps arrived and he hasn’t taken them since. Then we started to notice that not only had his tumor stopped growing but the swelling around it slowly started to go away. Now his tumor is SMALLER. It has gone from the size of a tangerine to about the size of a golf ball. He is in great spirits and doing well and I wanted to thank you for introducing us to Treatibles. If it weren’t for you and your products I don’t know where we might be right now with him.
    – Danielle L.
  • この2匹の猫は、人間の視界に入る事や人間と接触する事を嫌がり、「貰い手がない猫」と見放されていました。貴社のTreatiblesオイルの使用を勧められ、10-20滴を猫の餌に混ぜて投与を開始しました。すると2日も経たない内に、猫達はリラックスして、隠れている隅から姿を現すようになりました。1ヶ月経つと、猫達に触ることが出来るようになりました!現在、8週間が経過しましたが、部屋に入ると2匹の猫は私達に走り寄ってくるようになりました。恐れることなく活発に、玩具や私達と遊び、立派なペットになりつつあります。本当に驚くべきことです。私達は今後もこの2匹の猫を引き取ってくれる里親を探します。現在、まだ他人に対して警戒心を持っている猫達ですが、毎日与えているTreatiblesオイルのおかげで、里親に出せるほど改善しました。ありがとうございました。
    –Nancy、Huntington Beach
    【原文】 These two cats were considered ‘unadoptable’ because no one could see or touch them. Your Treatibles oil was suggested to us for them. We started adding 10-20 drops to their food and within TWO days they started to relax and come out. In one month, we could touch them! Now 8 weeks later, they run up to us when we enter the room. They play actively and fearlessly with string toys and with us and come to be pet. This is truly amazing. We are still looking for homes for them and they are still wary of others, but with the Treatibles oil, which we still give every day, they are now adoptable. Thank you!
    –Nancy, Huntington Beach, CA
  • 11歳スクービーは、腰関節にひどい不快感を患っています。
    – Peter G
    【原文】 Scooby is 11 and has severe joint discomfort in both hips. I have tried different PCR products in the past but needed to conceal them because he is a picky eater. He greedily eats his Treatibles and I really noticed a change in him soon after.

    I’m super grateful to have something that seems to give him so much relief while also being something he truly adores! Thank you so much!
    – Peter G.
  • 私の16歳のチワワ、ゾーイは幾つもの健康障害を抱えています。彼女を助けてあげたいと藁をもつかむ思いでTreatiblesを試すことを決意しました。現在、投与開始から3週間経過しましたが、ゾーイは大きな改善を見せています。
    – Nicole R
    【原文】 My 16 yr. old chihuahua, Zoe has been diagnosed with multiple problems. Desperate to help her,
    I decided to try Treatibles. I am happy to report she has been eating chews for about 3 weeks and has shown great improvement.

    Her symptoms and discomfort have lessened, her coughing has reduced and she is more energetic.
    She also stopped her repetitive circling. Treatibles are helping her have the best quality of life she can. It is so amazing to see her happy again!
    Thank you! – Nicole R.
  • 現在4歳になる私達のメイシーは、救助団体から保護されました。メイシーは4か月ほど前から癲癇発作を起こすようになりました。獣医師によると、癲癇発作が起きる度に精神安定剤の座薬を与える以外、治療法は無いということでした。
    【原文】 Our beloved rescue, Macy, is 4 and started having seizures four months ago. The vet said there wasn’t much we could do other than use tranquilizer suppositories when the seizures start. Macy gets so terrified with every seizure – we wanted them to stop!

    We ran across an article about PCR for children and soon found stories of Treatibles with pets and tried them. Within a few days, Macy seemed so much better. She has been completely seizure free for more than a month! Thank you so much for saving our beloved family member. – Lu
  • 私の14歳になる年老いたピットブルは、重度の関節不快感を対処するためにTreatiblesを一日2回摂取しています。
    【原文】 My 14 yr. old pit bull has been on Treatibles 2 times a day to address severe joint discomfort. She is taking Treatibles in conjunction with steroids every other day, but it wasn’t until I began the daily Treatibles that I noticed she had less and less discomfort and no longer did the spin around dance to find a comfy way to sit!

    Your products are a godsend! Thank you, Treatibles, for turning back the clock and enhancing my 14 yr. old baby's quality of life! – George S.
  • 2002年にラブラドール混血の雑種犬を救助し引き取りました。車にひかれていたため、現在は腰に金属プレートを入れて生活しています。歳を取るにつれ、関節の不具合がとても酷くなってきました。獣医師による薬が処方されたのですが、私がいくら餌に混ぜて与えても食べないのです。
    – Ed R.
    【原文】 I rescued my 15 yr. old lab mix in 2002. She’d been hit by a car and has a metal plate in her hip now. As she’s aged, joint discomfort has gotten much worse. She’s been prescribed meds but refuses to take them even when I’ve hid them in her favorite foods.

    Treatibles have improved her quality of life. She runs at full-tilt through the house. She’s even gotten tennis balls back out for the first time in years. I’m glad that her last years will be full of life – with the same energy and excitement that she had when I first found her.
    Thank you so much for helping her! She means the world to me. – Ed R.
  • 私は2匹のチワワを飼っていて、一匹は処方薬を常用していますが、もう一匹は処方薬を嫌がり症状に苦しんでいます。昨日からTreatiblesの投与を開始したところ、2匹の様子が変わったことにすぐに気が付きました。
    – Chad M.
    【原文】 I have two Chihuahuas, one is on pills and the other suffers because he won’t take them. Yesterday we started using Treatibles and I noticed a difference in the dogs right away.

    Today my 13 yr. old had Treatibles and no meds. He is outside running around. He has kidney issues so I am hoping we can say goodbye to the meds and begin a healing journey.

    My 11 yr. old hasn’t been this spunky in years; I can tell he was free from discomfort at last! I am familiar with the magic of PCR. I am so thankful for people like you who help others and our pets. – Chad M.
  • ティバを救ってくれたTreatiblesには感嘆し続けています。ティバは頸椎椎間板ヘルニアを患っており、歩こうとすると前足で身体を支える事が出来ず、前のめりに顔から倒れてしまいます。Treatiblesを投与して2日後に変化は起こりました。
    – Sandi
    【原文】 I am continually astounded by how Treatibles has helped Teva. She has a compressed disc in her neck, so her front legs collapse when she walks, causing her face to smash to the ground.
    I started giving her Treatibles and saw a difference in 2 days. Now she falls less often and also walked faster. She is 13 1/2 and walks a mile, sometimes more, every day! – Sandi
  • 私は、常にTreatiblesを推奨しています。獣医師、ペットグルーマー、家族、友人、そして犬を連れている人なら誰にでもです。
    【原文】 I am always praising Treatibles to my vet, groomer, family, friends, and pretty much anybody I see with a dog. I have a 16 yr. old who has been on Treatibles for about a year and a half. Before that, she always freaked out during thunderstorms or fireworks. Now she hardly notices them.

    Treatibles has eased her age-related issues including joint and general discomfort, plus increased her appetite and even helped with depression. Once again, I love, love, love your product and all that it does for my Sammy!
  • バーニーは1歳の誕生日を迎えた後、初めてのてんかんの大発作を起こしました。幾度か獣医師の診断を受けた結果、私たちはバーニーへの処方薬の投与を余儀なくされました。しかし、投与した処方薬がバーニーの行動とカラダに与えた影響を見て、私達は他の治療法を探すようになりました。こうしてTreatiblesに出会ったのです。カスタマーサービスのスタッフ達は私達の質問に全て答えてくれました。彼らはプロ意識を持ち、気配りと知識に溢れ、私達が辿り着いた場所は安全なのだと感じさせてくれました。

    – Anthony G.
    【原文】 Just after Bernie’s 1st birthday, he had his first grand mal seizure. After several vet visits, we hesitantly put him on meds. Changes in his behavior and his condition quickly led us to seek out other options. We came across Treatibles. The customer service team answered all of our questions. Their professionalism, care and knowledge assured us we came to the right place.

    A year later, Bernie’s condition has greatly improved. He’s back to his normal self and his seizures are now fewer and less severe. Seeing the improvements makes us so thankful for the Treatibles’ team!” – Anthony G.
  • ルーシーは2年間、末期疾患に苦しんでおり、Treatiblesを一日2回、朝夕に摂取しています。
    【原文】 Lucy has had a terminal disease for 2 years and takes her Treatibles every morning and evening.

    The change when she started taking Treatibles was immediate. She’s much less anxious, paces less at night and is back to her lovey, dovey self.

    Thank you everyone there for helping out my little girl. She turns sweet 16 next month!
    – Randy
  • 私は2匹のウサギを飼っていますが、お互いの仲が悪く、困っていました。
    – Phyllis O.
    【原文】 I have a pair of rabbits that have been a challenge to bond without fussing with each other. A tasty snack is useful to offer while trying to bond them. Nothing seemed to work until I found Treatibles.

    Thanks to Treatibles, today’s supervised bonding session is the first time in 7 weeks they did not start poking each other in the ribs or start a fight! – Phyllis O.
  • 受け取ったTreatiblesのサンプルを愛犬ハッピーに与えました。ハッピーは救助された犬で、まだ若いのですが不安症車酔いに苦しんでいます。
    – Kathy G.
    【原文】 I received a Treatibles sample and gave it to my anxious, carsick young rescue, Happy.

    It is fantastic! He is now able to ride in a crate in our van in a relaxed state without vomiting.

    Nothing else has worked for my boy Happy (including meds). Thanks so much! – Kathy G.
  • Treatiblesをこの世に生み出してくれて本当にありがとうございます!
    – Kristin F.
    【原文】 Thank you so much for creating Treatibles!

    We’ve tried all kinds of anti-anxiety meds for separation anxiety and for storms and fireworks, but nothing has worked like this.

    We’re your biggest, furriest fans!
    – Kristin F.
  • 私達の愛犬は15歳で、膝と腰に不快感を患うようになってから1年が経ちます。
    – Nils N.
    【原文】 Our 15 yr. old has been having knee and hip discomfort for the last year. Originally, the vet prescribed meds, as she was having a hard time sleeping and walking.

    We stopped by our pet store and they gave us a sample of Treatibles. Having previous knowledge on the benefits of PCR for humans, we figured it wouldn’t hurt to try it out on our pup. Pretty much immediately she was sleeping so much better! Now Coco gets her Treatibles every morning and evening and we can tell her energy level and overall quality of life is much better. – Nils N.
※PCRとはphytocannabinoid-richのことを指し、 フィト(植物性)カンナビノイドを含むCBDオイルのことです。